I love this so much. We need to diversify the way we learn and explore the world around us. We should cultivate an ethic of diverse interests, encouraging people to try new things just because they are curious.

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Thanks Sarah! It's hard to lean into curiosity too deeply. So good for us. And continually trying out new things is a great way to keep ourselves fresh and always be learning.

There is also such richness in the random connections between our interests that might not seem to be connected at first glance. We often tell ourselves that we need to focus in order to be the best, but I think that impulse is misguided. Not to say that mastery or excellence is unimportant, but just that having a broad foundation is underrated.

Reminds me of a quote from Kevin Kelly that resonated with me a few months ago: "Don't aim to be the best. Be the only." https://joshbrake.substack.com/p/questions-for-living-well

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