I teach BF Skinner’s utopian novel _Walden Two_ in my AI in Fiction class each Spring: my students mostly come out of that book hating the man, and not just because of the quality of his prose. What’s interesting is that even students who call Skinner “evil” concede that were the same utopian community offered for commercial purposes, rather than as a collectivist commune, it would seem “normal” to them. In other words, we’re cool being lab rats so long as we have to pay for the honor.

We’ve been conditioned well! :)

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Oooh, I want to learn more about this class. Do you have a syllabus you’d be willing to share?

Indeed, it is interesting how the framing is so important. Context matters quite a lot. We are indeed mostly willing lab rats.

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“Once you have clarity on your values and goals, you’ll have a foundation from which to make wise choices, whether you integrate or reject AI tools.” Love this.

Thank you for sharing your thoughts. They’re very useful as I try to puzzle my way through the rapidly changing technological landscape.

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Thanks Ruth!

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Very grateful for your writing this year. I’m a teacher trying to face the social and emotional truths my kids and colleagues feel, AND figure out together how to make the best of new tools.

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Thanks Paul, glad that it’s been helpful. The tension you and I are trying to hold is tough, but I’m convinced there is a fruitful “both, and” path through it all.

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